has a wide range of beautiful carnation bouquets that we can send anywhere in the Philippines. Our carnation bouquets are made by hand with fresh flowers and come in many different sizes and colors. We only use fresh flowers, so you can be sure your gift will be beautiful and full of life when it arrives. Our bouquets of carnations are great for any event, from birthdays and anniversaries to showers and business meetings. Whether you're looking for a romantic gesture or just a way to say "thank you," our bouquets of carnations are sure to be a perfect choice. We also deliver on the same day, so you can be sure your gift will arrive on time.
Sort By : has a lot of unique and inexpensive Carnation flower bunches for sale right now. We have something for everyone, whether you want a single stem of a bright pink carnation or a beautiful bunch of red and white ones. We promise that all of our carnation bouquets are made with the freshest flowers, so you can always send a beautiful, lasting gift.
For an anniversary, the best flower to give is a sweet-smelling carnation. Carnations are a classic sign of love; their lovely scent will surely make your loved one happy. The bright and beautiful colors of the carnation will add a happy and sweet touch to your big day, and the smell will remind your partner of how much you love them. A sweet-smelling carnation is a fantastic anniversary gift because it sends a loving and lasting message.
A birthday is an excellent time for a carnation flower and chocolate cake. Carnations are a classic flower for showing love and respect, and a chocolate cake is a tasty way to celebrate the day. Together, they make the perfect birthday gift for someone special. The way the gift looks is also meaningful, so wrap the flowers in tissue paper and put them in a pretty vase.
A traditional flower gift in the Philippines is a bunch of pink and red carnations wrapped in white paper. It is usually given to a loved one on special days like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day. The way the colors go together is a sign of love and respect. Most of the time, pink stands for respect and thanks, while red stands for love and excitement. The white paper shows that the gift is clean and good. This gift is a thoughtful way to show how you feel about someone.